McWoods Distribution is a family-owned diverse supplier headquartered in Northern California that provides in-time delivery of several product lines including office supplies & furniture, sanitation and janitorial products, and protective gloves and gear. As a distributor to some of the nation’s top suppliers, McWoods operates within over 40 warehouses nationwide. McWoods is equipped to fulfill the needs of most medium to large sized businesses within the continental U.S.
McWoods Distribution is positioned to distribute PPE to both government and non-government entities. We offer product lines that fit nicely with multiple uses for industry, educational, medical and safety needs. McWoods Distribution can compete in all markets with price and service advantages.

McWoods distributes janitorial, sanitation, and maintenance products tailored to meet their customer’s needs. McWoods supply lines are broad and include many nationally recognized brands. McWoods is competitive in governmental, medical, and industrial markets.
McWoods provides workplace essentials including general office supplies and office furniture. With catalog offerings from the nation’s top brands, McWoods supplies offices with the tools, furnishings and supplies for workplace efficiency and comfort.

McWoods offers a wide array of construction products from small, hand-held pneumatic tools to heavy machinery. With the bulk of our manufacturers headquartered here in the U.S., we are able to offer our clients competitive pricing in all markets.

Western Regional Minority SupplierDevelopment Council - Minority Business Entity

Alameda County's Small, Local,Emerging Business (SLEB) Program

Approved Supplier For
San Francisco City & County

Alameda County Transportation
Commission Local Business Contract Equity Program Certification